From my Window, 1978-1999

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May 15-18, 2010

Opening: 14th May, 2010, 7 pm

Szczecin 2016, Willa Lentza

Al. Wojska Polskiego 84

Szczecin 70-482 Poland


What do we see when we look out of Villa Lentza's window? What can be seen when we find ourselves within?

Here, inside the eclectic villa, everything seems to be a mosaic - from architectonic details to interior design. A similar structure has the entire city Szczecin - after the war some buildings were used as materials for the reconstruction of Warsaw. During the four days of the exhibition, individual elements of the mosaic will be replaced with other elements.

The works of six invited artists will build a new constellation in which the whole will be loosely rebuilt: the sights from the window will be temporarily changed into sights from other places, reaffirming the rotation of the city.

In this way the initiated change of constellation opens up the possibility of a completely new and unknown experience for the spectator: a simulation of a new, usually non-existant space.

Curators: Aleksander Wawrzyniak & Julia Wielgus

The exhibition is a collaboration between Tu: and Szczecin 2016.

The project is kindly supported by Eidotech Polska
